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Eyebrow Microblading Cosmetic Tattoo Course Structure

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Increased demand on learning eyebrow microblading skill during the pandemic and why microblading cosmetic tattoo course is a good investment.

Due to the current covid-19 pandemic that is leading to an economic recession, there are more people losing their jobs than ever. We've never seen in our history how the biggest companies of different industries fail in keeping their precious employees' jobs.Not only the travel industry that suffers the most negative effect of the recession but other industries such as recreation, hospitality, education, etc also have to let their employees go. There's been an implication for us that we've got more skilled people as our students in the basic classes, at the beginning level in our training courses. In the hope of looking for a new career with no boss to work for, beauty is a good choice. In this article we're going to point out why the Phibrows microblading cosmetic tattoo course is a good investment for serious people who lost their job or want a career change. Why? because it's a well-designed course with lots of academic learning materials for learners to dig in, lots of support from the academy and the trainer, and lots of practice until you are confident.

First of all, let's talk about who we are. Beauty is the fastest growing industry where techniques, products, technologies have been updated regularly. Our company has experience in the beauty industry for more than 10 years with multiple beauty franchise businesses in New Zealand. Our trainer, master Judy, has been working as a cosmetic tattoo artists for over 10 years and training many cosmetic tattoo artists around New Zealand. She always keeps up to date with the world’s beauty trend. She would like to share her experience to the learners and give them a career to do for a living. Master Judy is a familiar name you can hear in New Zealand when it comes to the most skilled industry trainer and most dedicated teacher offering Phibrows microblading training.

Secondly, what is Phibrows microblading? Eyebrow microblading is a trendy cosmetic tattoo technique at the moment using manual nano blade to create hair-like strokes. It can fix unbalance shape and bring fluffy natural look to imperfect eyebrows. What is Phibrows? In short, it’s the microblading technique delivered by a prestigious academy named Phi Academy. It is different from other microblading courses because the program is designed by Phi Academy to be a well-rounded training programme for learners who want to start the career as microblading cosmetic tattooist or look for a refresher course..

Students after the course will have the knowledge and skills they need to perform eyebrow microblading cosmetic tattoo treatments for customers. They will understand the underlying causes of every events that relates to the treatments and can deal with any different cases. They will be able to work for any beauty salon offering cosmetic tattoo service or set up their own business in microblading cosmetic tattoo and semi-permanent make up.

However, to know what really sets it apart and why this course is a good investment, we have to look through its comprehensive training program that is structured into 250 blending hours of learning including 16 hours of on the job training.

Part 1: Live webinar via Zoom/Skype (4 hours) - training preparation: going through the introduction of the program: content and purpose of the course, instruction of learning approaches, getting access to learning materials, home-learning and self-practice.

Part 2: Learning online via Google classroom (1 week, expected 5 hours) – practical session preparation: instruction, demo videos and assignments to start practising eyebrow shape design on paper.

Part 3: 2-day workshop in person training (16 hours) - intensive practical training

Day 1: Theory and practice of microblading and shading on latex:

- hygiene and salon set-up

- skin structure

- cosmetic tattoo pigment

- client’s contract & consultation

- before and aftercare

- anaesthetic

- how to use the tools and create stroke patterns

- how to fill in pigment correctly to achieve the best healing result

- stretching skin correctly

Day 2: Setting up workstation and working on live models under master’s supervision

Part 4: Online learning via an application called Craft Master – supported by the trainer (6 months – expected 180 hours). Craft Master is an advanced training application that help studying easier than ever. Students can learn anywhere, anytime from their phone. In Craft Master, students can revise all the knowledge that has been learned in the workshop and more importantly, study it thoroughly with access to invaluable academic materials (articles, studies, researches, videos, etc)

Part 5: Learning 4 extra courses via Craft Master App including.

- First Class Service

- Hygiene

- Skin Expert

- Get More Client – Marketing

These supportive courses are designed by Phi Academy to equip students with in-depth knowledge of skin structure, hygiene practice, customer service and marketing.

Part 6: Graduating

There is a certain number of levels in Craft Master students need to pass to in order to achieve official Certificate.

Students can see the instruction of each level, then complete the requested tasks. Students submit their works for the trainer to mark. If they don’t not pass at a certain level, student will receive the trainer’s comment and correction and redo until they pass. The trainer can send extra videos, photo instruction to student in this App.

Total hour of learning is expected to be 250 hours, however, quick learning can pull it off in as short as 3 months. In beauty industry, remember practice is key and your determination is needed. After graduation, students of this course will become Phibrow artist, get the certificate and logo for marketing purpose and be listed on the work artist map for local customer to find them.

Phibrows microblading is about working towards perfection, high end products and great job opportunities. Apart from taking advantage of an advanced learning program, there are some key points that are student's benefits from learning Phibrows microblading course:

- live model practice

- talented master trainer with practical experience on thousands of customers

- internationally recognised certificate

- premium kit worth $2000

- access to heaps of academic learning material

- 4 free courses for in-depth industry knowledge of skin, hygiene, customer service, marketing skill

- unlimited support after the course

Find out more about this course we are offering HERE

Upcoming workshops

Wellington: 7-8 December 2020

Wellington: 22-23 February 2021

Auckland: 12-13 April 2021

See all dates and register HERE

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